Darlington and Burgess Parks have flushing toilets with basins and hand soap provided. NO SHOWERS OR POWERED SITES AT EITHER SITE.
Dog friendly (see conditions of camping)
A dump point is provided at Darlington Park, free for paying campers and a $10 dump fee for those visiting for the day.
Rubbish disposal provided.
Each campsite has a fire pit with wood available from the Darlington kiosk.
Tank water (non-potable) is provided for all guests for washing facilities.
Darlington Park has four free electric barbeques for all guests and a playground and oval for the kids.
Swim at Darlington in the Albert River and at Burgess in the Christmas Creek.
A kiosk providing snacks, drinks, bags of ice, wood and all the camping essentials is located at Darlington, with delivery to Burgess weekends only, twice daily.